Sunday, 25 March 2012

More Redistribution Required

The Chancellor has decided (with the collusion of the coalition!) that the 50% tax rate for those earning over £150,000 should be reduced to 45% because the government underestimated the lengths that rich people would go to in order to avoid paying tax and so less revenue has been made than expected. But just because the monetary elitists can play the fiscal game doesn’t mean that we should give in to them! Let’s reduce the tax threshold even further so that people who earn over £100,000 need to pay 50%. I mean at which point does anybody that rich need to worry about tax?! So George Osborne is a capitalist fanatic, devoted to economic competition regardless of right or wrong; no surprise!

Saturday, 17 March 2012


I don't usually write simple jokes on my blog, but I wish to point out that BBC rugby presenter John Inverdale bears a bizarre resemblance to the character Calibos from the original 'Clash Of The Titans' film. Judge for yourself.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Sell Your Soul

“Life is pain … Anyone who says differently is selling something.”
That’s a quote from the film ‘The Princess Bride’; even though it’s generally a feel-good family film, that line is borne out by reality. The people who tell you that no matter what happens in life, things will turn out alright in the end are nothing more than glorified salespeople. So…
1. Christianity and Catholicism promise you eternal peace and luxury in a perfect heaven.
2. Islam under certain circumstances offers many virgins (comfort for the wife, eh?!).
3. Hinduism and Sikhism grant you reincarnation into a new life and soul.
4. Judaism tries to complicate the afterlife as much as possible so that you’re even too bemused to think about it - seriously, you should check out Jewish views towards the afterlife on Wikipedia, they’re difficult to figure out (almost as if they don’t want you to be logical!).
And, 5. Jehovah’s Witnesses think that death is the price for sinning. What the fuck?!
Like I said, glorified salespeople.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Len McCluskey, the Unite (a major trade union) general secretary has suggested that civil disobedience could be timed to coincide with the Olympics. This is a bad idea.
In the winter of 1978-9 (the winter of discontent), unions disrupted Britain to such an extent that the majority of the voting public decided that Margaret Thatcher was a necessary Prime Minister. Her seeming ability to restore order to a chaotic situation was more important to people than workers’ rights. But the British public cannot be blamed for this; if bin bags are piled high in the street, gravediggers won’t dig, and the NHS is only open for emergencies, then of course people will lose faith in the current system. This may seem like an extraordinary analogy, but nowadays unions are much more easily condemned than they used to be, so it is vitally important to preserve the public faith.
I personally am not a fan of the Olympics; I would prefer to see millions of pounds spent elsewhere. But there are a significant number of people who are delighted that the Olympics has come to London, and this section of society cannot afford to be isolated. If they are, then how long will it be before the majority of people resent the unions and begin to feel that right-wing governments are necessary for orderly preservation? Then we will see another government like Thatcher’s! The one that made greedy, materialistic capitalism an acceptable aspiration. We must never promote that again to such an extent!
So please, for the sake of socialism and equality, do not strike during the Olympics.