Sunday, 26 February 2012

Mind Your Own Business

After undercover reporting from the Daily Telegraph, an inquiry has been launched by the Department of Health into disturbing claims that some doctors in Britain are carrying out abortions on the grounds of sex selection. Obviously, this inquiry is necessary; an abortion based solely on whether the unborn child is a boy or a girl is grossly unethical and drifts into the dangerous territory of eugenics.
However, what was uncalled for after the inquiry had been announced, was input from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Spuc). Its communications manager, Anthony Ozimic, said: “This investigation confirms the reality of eugenics in modern British medicine … Sex-selective abortion is an inevitable consequence of easy access to abortion, a situation to which the pro-abortion lobby has no convincing answer.” Well then I’ll give you an answer, Mr Ozimic! All this investigation confirms is that some doctors (almost certainly a small minority) have broken the rules and will soon be accordingly punished. A minority of rule breakers does not confirm the reality of eugenics because most doctors take a very ethical stance towards abortion and follow the law. Very few things in this world are inevitable, and tight regulation of pregnancy terminations (such as two doctors having to agree that an abortion is necessary before it can be carried out) will ensure that sex-selective abortion never becomes widespread in Britain.
The reactionary Mr Ozimic went on to say: “The government needs to cut its ties to … abortion rights organisations, as they are complicit in sex-selective abortion domestically and internationally." The reason that the government has ties to abortion rights organisations is because women need rights to abortion in order to prevent unwanted childbirth that could be damaging to both mother and baby. And as long as an organisation is not condoning sex-selective abortion in any way, then it is not complicit in anything! So I suggest that the protection of unborn children is left to medical experts, politicians and mothers.

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