Sunday, 8 January 2012

PIPs Were Unnecessary Anyway

So there are some women who feel one of two ways. Either:
1. They feel desperately insecure; or
2. They are way too superficial.
Either way, this does not provide good reasoning for breast augmentation. Women who have breast implants are at an ethical disadvantage: that being, they care more about their body than they do about their soul.
Any human being who has any plastic surgery purely for cosmetic reasons has failed to appreciate themselves. I am not a representation of masculinity, but I am still grateful for what I have got. So should other people be. I don’t want to be too heartless to women who want to have their PIP breast implants removed due to recent health fears, but really they should have been more content with their bodies in the first place. Breasts are functional, regardless of size; it is a crying shame that women feel the need to conform to a social image of how the female body should look in order to impress men. There are good men in the world who only want an affectionate woman to be with, regardless of looks.
Perhaps these women who are now longing for regressive surgery should realise that they were better off to begin with. Because, simply, they were.

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