Yes, I know it was a dramatic event that the rescue was finally taking place after the miners had been trapped for so long; and yes, I know it was refreshing to have a story in the news that was reporting something good and heart-warming; and yes, I also know the rescue was a tribute to both human ingenuity and the philanthropic spirit of humanity. But just because these miners have been trapped for 69 days doesn’t automatically make them celebrity idols! I don’t need to know the back story of each of their average lives to date; I don’t need to see every single family reunion as they’re all pretty much the same; and the guy who proposed to his girlfriend perhaps shouldn’t have needed a life-threatening situation to convince him that he was in love!
Unfortunately, by the time the rescues were a third of the way over, news channels had become so mind numbingly boring with their blanket coverage of the story that I was beginning to hope that something bad was going to happen! It would almost have been entertaining if the cable had broken on the rescue pod, shooting the capsule back down the tunnel at 100mph to a colossal explosion at the bottom. Now that would have been worth covering! Or is that just my repressed rage showing through a bit too much? Either way, news channels need to realise what they are there for, and it’s not to bore people to tears.

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