Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Slightly scary scientology

Last night on a BBC Panorama documentary, many of the negative aspects of religion were demonstrated. Tommy Davis, a head figure in the scientology movement (that's right, the organisation which celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta try to convince us is A-okay), effectively stalked and intimidated a BBC journalist. Davis would participate in haranguing the interviewer if the current interviewee was known to harbour opinions which were unfavourable to scientology, attacking the journalist with a Nazi-type conversational style - interrupting and talking over his opposition, then storming away before a response could be delivered. It made Davis look like a childish control freak at best, and a dictatorial monster at worst. Other figures in the scientology movement (including celebrities) were initially willing to take part in the documentary, but then pulled out if the wrong questions were asked. I understand that media reports can never be entirely objective and that a longer documentary than half an hour to explore all of the facts in depth would have been an improvement; but there's no doubt in my mind that scientology - and certainly Tommy Davis - has anything ranging from deep insecurity issues to ideas of world domination! The only thing I would really agree with them on is that if so many people do believe in the principles of scientology (and there are many in America), then it has just as much right to call itself a religion than any other organised group of worshippers; it shouldn't really be labelled as a cult anymore. It's just a really fucked up religion!
As with all religions, the need to belong somewhere and to feel that you're special does not give anybody a 'God-given' right to tell anybody else what to do. I wouldn't dream of indiscriminately confronting a scientologist in an attempt to rip their beliefs to pieces (even though I probably could), and yet I wonder after the bizarre behaviour I saw last night whether I'll wake up tomorrow morning to find that my binbags have been raided and a strange darkened vehicle is following me!. Let's hope so, I could do with some excitement to write about in my next blog!

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