Thursday, 31 May 2007

Abort the Catholics!

Yesterday Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Scotland's most senior Roman Catholic (RC), stated that RC politicians who are pro-choice regarding abortion were no longer particularly welcome in the RC church. He said that abortion was a "social evil", an "unspeakable crime", a "wanton killing of innocents", and that children were being "murdered in their mothers' womb". In one speech, Mr O'Brien managed to set back the morality of Roman Catholics about 40 years.
In 1967, abortion was legalised (along with homosexuality, another thing which sticks in the craw of the Catholic faith) because it was deemed by intelligent politicians that all women had the right to choose whether they wanted to have a baby or not, and by intelligent scientists that the extremely limited level of consciousness demonstrated by a foetus in the first trimester of birth was not nearly enough to constitute murder. Since then, although abortion is quite rightly not something that society takes lightly, it has become generally understood that sometimes giving birth is a really terrible decision for a woman to be forced into. For instance, if a woman were to get pregnant after having being raped, how can any religion say that this is an act of God (probably working in his 'mysterious ways') and that the woman should then have to live with that bastard child for the rest of her life. I wonder what Mr O'Brien would say if one of his female relatives got pregnant like this; would he truly tell her that to have the pregnancy terminated is against God's will and could damn her to Hell?! Surely that attitude is significantly sicker than condoning pro-choice for abortion. The excessive, inflammatory and just downright conceited language that the Cardinal used in his speech could be damaging to young ladies who gave in to temptation one night and then felt manipulated by her family's religious zeal to live with her mistake by never again being given the chance of independence (or at least not for another 16 years). Penalties like this are simply too harsh in a modern society of opportunity. If only there were a gene for religion then genetic screening of foetuses could take place so that all Roman Catholic's could be aborted! This might stink a little of ethnic cleansing, but no more than what RCs believe will happen to us heathens after we die: an eternity in Hell while they bathe in the luxury of Heaven.
Really all Keith O'Brien is doing is preaching a culture of fear. A power-mongering obsessive who can't bear to relinquish his control over the society around him, and would quake in his boots if he had to admit that his own warped upbringing was incorrect. His words are despicable and should make the Roman Catholic faith feel utterly ashamed. But of course they will mew and follow him like blind sheep, because most religious followers lack the capacity for independent thought. Therefore I forward a motion here and now that all primary school pupils, when being taught collective nouns in English class - a school of whales, a coven of witches - are taught the phrase 'An abortion of Catholics'!

Monday, 21 May 2007

Formula for economic repression

1. Pay people exactly the right amount of money so that if they scrimp and save they can just about get by, thereby making them seem ungrateful and lazy if they show concern about the redistribution of wealth.
2. Make all jobs formulaic and similar in their levels of mediocrity so that any hope of leaving one job for another is quickly dashed.
3. Make job interviews conformist so that only by succumbing to a set of scripted answers which the employee can then be held to account with will they ever achieve any level of monetary success.
4. Ensure that alongside the tight-fistedness of the jobseekers' allowance there is also an incredible difficulty of gaining further employment if the loss of the previous job was due to resignation or a demonstration of a free independent spirit. This will guarantee that people live in fear of unemployment or any sense of true choice.
5. If an employee goes to an employer stating that they are in financial dire straits and desperately require more money just to live, ensure that employer states, "Show me what you can do for the business and I'll tell you what the business can do for you." This will sufficiently break their spirit.
6. If an employee finally loses their temper and does something aggressive, focus on their negative personality traits to reassure other people that society is never to blame for mental illness, nervous breakdowns or pure rage.
7. Reward anyone who only cares about money and materialistic gain at the expense of all else.

P.S. Anyone who truly believes any of the above points is immoral, corrupt, brainwashed, narrow-minded or just a complete wanker!

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Dictatorship and Cowardice

It was decided today that Gordon Brown would enter No. 10 Downing Street as British Prime Minister entirely unopposed. This is shameful for the democracy of a civilised nation. The obsessive control freaks of the New-Labour party have closed ranks yet again so that their members and trade union links will be denied their right to a vote. Brown must be creaming his pants right now with delight; spin and dictatorial methods of leadership have once more won the day. The left-wing opinion has been shoved out by a totalitarian ideology due to fear and a need for power. The only slight silver lining is that the deputy leadership contest looks to be very exciting and close; I only wonder exactly what say they will have in the running of this country.

It was also decided today that Prince Harry would not be allowed to go to Iraq. Where have the days gone when our great leaders would charge the country's forces into battle, when legends could be made of figureheads such as Henry V and William Wallace? Of course I understand that these times were long ago, but the world needs heroes and bravery - this was denied us today. Harry isn't afraid! It's just the politically correct 'leaders' who are scared for their own jobs! Where will they be when the charge of war commences? Probably back home drinking vintage wine and patronising their juniors. One senior army figure even had the demeaning attitude to say that Harry has "determination and undoubted talent - and I do not say that lightly"; if he truly meant that, he wouldn't hesitate to send the Prince into battle; there are more ways to get the Prince into Iraq than having to continually inform the gluttonous media about it, just have some guts and determination. I can't help feeling that the British armed forces, along with this country, has become cowardly.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Slightly scary scientology

Last night on a BBC Panorama documentary, many of the negative aspects of religion were demonstrated. Tommy Davis, a head figure in the scientology movement (that's right, the organisation which celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta try to convince us is A-okay), effectively stalked and intimidated a BBC journalist. Davis would participate in haranguing the interviewer if the current interviewee was known to harbour opinions which were unfavourable to scientology, attacking the journalist with a Nazi-type conversational style - interrupting and talking over his opposition, then storming away before a response could be delivered. It made Davis look like a childish control freak at best, and a dictatorial monster at worst. Other figures in the scientology movement (including celebrities) were initially willing to take part in the documentary, but then pulled out if the wrong questions were asked. I understand that media reports can never be entirely objective and that a longer documentary than half an hour to explore all of the facts in depth would have been an improvement; but there's no doubt in my mind that scientology - and certainly Tommy Davis - has anything ranging from deep insecurity issues to ideas of world domination! The only thing I would really agree with them on is that if so many people do believe in the principles of scientology (and there are many in America), then it has just as much right to call itself a religion than any other organised group of worshippers; it shouldn't really be labelled as a cult anymore. It's just a really fucked up religion!
As with all religions, the need to belong somewhere and to feel that you're special does not give anybody a 'God-given' right to tell anybody else what to do. I wouldn't dream of indiscriminately confronting a scientologist in an attempt to rip their beliefs to pieces (even though I probably could), and yet I wonder after the bizarre behaviour I saw last night whether I'll wake up tomorrow morning to find that my binbags have been raided and a strange darkened vehicle is following me!. Let's hope so, I could do with some excitement to write about in my next blog!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Capitalism dominates again

So Gordon Brown's probably going to be the new British Prime Minister when the Labour sheep vote him in. He might even be marginally better than Tony Blair, by a margin of about 0.01%. I'd so love for old Labour to make a comeback and for Michael Meacher or John McDonnell to get in, bringing back a certain sense of socialism and redistribution of wealth. At least then my wanker boss wouldn't be able to pay me minimum fucking wage while he scrapes profits from the business to put into his own million pound trust fund. Gordon 'take a big breath' Brown is going to be almost identical to Blair in widening the gap between rich and poor, allowing personal religious fundamentalisms to interfere in national and world politics, burying socialism as far underground as is humanly possible so that kids nowadays have never even heard that there are alternative ideologies out there, and spinning every policy so that capitalism will once again reign supreme! Prime Minister Davros will look over his sheep and chuckle himself to sleep at night knowing that those who can make the most money - indiscriminately persecuting those without such ruthless ambition - will always hold the power of social and financial repression, while the hard working, honest-to-goodness decent people in the majority of the western world will struggle unsuccessfully to make morality the guiding issue of the moment rather than strengthening the economy. But will anybody else realise this? Not really, because although we live in the 21st century, the proletariat still deludes itself into thinking that they are in their rightful place of repressed workers and that there is nothing to be done. Then again, I don't really know what to do either, but at least I've got the brass balls big enough to have a diatribe about it to anyone who'll listen!
I hope you liked my rant, because there will no doubt be more to come in the near future; just wait till I get started on religion. If, however, you found this reading a little heavy, please feel free to go and watch another episode of Big Brother or Eastenders, or go and hang around with some chavs, you ignorant fuck!